Monday, April 20, 2009


I guess I should be happy that we have so much rain here in Hangzhou as I have been warned repeatedly that the summer's here are hotter than Hong Kong. Hard to believe, but because we have so much water (a river that is 2km wide and the giant Westlake in the center of town), the humidity combined with 38 to 40c temperatures will be like living in a steam kettle. I live just short of 1km from the office but by summer my office will move to the site of our new MIXc shopping mall which adds another km, so I will depend on my bikes to get me there and back and expect to be sweating all the way. Perhaps thats good too as it will burn off fat.

Just returned from Hong Kong on Friday where I did a medical checkup at Yan Chai Hospital with Dr. Samson Tse, and all seems well so far. Then overnight at the Charterhouse Hotel on Wanchai Rd., which has the most fabulous showers on this planet. Had dinner on Wed night with Robin Lam and Connie and old friend Christopher Chan.

On Thursday night stayed at the Kapok Hotel in Shenzhen and visited my old staff at the ice rink. Lunch with the management team at Watami Japanese restaurant which was nice.

Schedule in SZ was very tight so no time to see old friends there which was too bad, but I'll do it next time I go down. Flew back on China Southern which left a little late but arrived on time and our company driver picked me up and took me home. Best part of any trip is getting home and seeing my little dog Kita who goes nuts when she sees me walk in the door.

Saturday was mostly at home other than some nearby shopping, then Alex and Raymond from my office came to dinner. Sunday was home all day as it was raining. Made bread in the breadmaker and put programs back into my computer after re-installing Windows XP Pro. Such a nightmare.

Its now Monday and pouring rain outside. Not much else to report as of this hour.

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