Tuesday, April 7, 2009


Not to sure how long this will last but the warm weather finally set in on Saturday and continues today. So nice, hate to be indoors. I think my little Kita must be having a lot of fun running around in the grass at our apartment complex.

My good friend for many years, William Cheng (Photo here), who coaches at Festival Walk, will fly up on Thursday to take a look at Hangzhou. He has Easter holidays in HK and wanted to see our fair city and take a rest.

We're also working toward our Grand Opening events and will either do a large professional ice show or a skating competition and possibly both. We're moving toward this cautiously because of the world financial crisis, but also because our most senior manager of the company has to give his approval, which he hasn't done as yet.

I've just returned from Nanning, China, which is located 300km from Hanoi in Vietnam. Beautiful city and not as advanced as Shenzhen or Hangzhou, but a nice place with friendly people. We are building a large complex there with Grand Hyatt, MIXc shopping mall and of course, World Ice Arena Nanning...a full Olympic size rink. The first ever in that city.

My next trip will be to Shenzhen and Hong Kong and possibly Beijing after that.

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